Google Search Engine Basic Advance Operator

Google Search Engine Basic Operator, Advance operator and Google Search Engine Tips Guide.

Google Search Tips to help you find the thing easily, reduce the time for searching and make your searches more efficient and give you the best ways to get exactly what you're looking for and quickly. First need to understand basic operator that helps in google search tips.

 Basic Operators for Google Search engine.

1) + plus sign in search term.

If you search like for abc + xyz than google provide result that have both word abc and xyz.

2) - minus sign in search keyword.

Prevents a search term to show in results, for example if you search like “search tip – basic”.
Then it will return pages that contain "search" and "tip" but that don't contain "basic".

3) OR operator for google search.

If you search for google search tip OR google search guide.
Then it will give result for both google search tip and google search guide.
” “
It force google for exact phrase match like if you search for “google search tip” then google provide result with pages have all three word.

4) ~ tilde operator for gooogle serarch query. 

Tilde operator is used for Similar terms word.

Allow to search also for synonyms of the given word. Like tips synonyms are guide, help, basic etc if you search for [~google search tip].
It will get you pages that contain [google search help] "and” [google search guide]” but not [google search tip].

5) * asterisk operator for google search.

Wildcard. The "*" symbol is a wildcard. This is useful if you're trying to find the thing but you don’t remember exact name. It's also useful for finding stuff only in certain domains, such as
educational information: ["gooogle toolbar" research *.edu].

Advanced google search operators.

6) Filetype: operator for search query.

It provides result on the basic of file type like PDF (acrobat file), ppt (power point of ms office), txt, rtf, xls.
Example search: google search help filetype:pdf.
This will give you result with pages have .pdf file related to google search help.

7) Site: operator for google search.

It restrict the result on specific site only.
Search example: Google toolbar for Mozilla will provide pages based on only.

8) Link: operator for search engine. provide the pages that link to

9) Related operator for search. returns pages that google thinks are related to the given page. This is not accurate result always

10) Info:

info: returns some information’s about the given web page.

11) Define: 

The "define:" operator to get a quick definition
Define: global warming returns the pages with definition of a global warming..

12) Stokes:

Returns stock info: try stocks:goog for Google.
stocks:nok for Nokia.

13) Weather:

Weather information’s for the given city. weather: new jersey

14) Movie:

movie: Spider-man will give all the information about movie spiderman.
You can also find movies by locations: movie:Chicago will give the current movie in that city.

15) Flights: operator for google search keyword.

You can search for flights inside USA using the airport code (does not work for every airport).
Sample search: jfk lax
Los Angeles (LAX) to New York (JFK).

16) Google Calculator Guide.

+ - * / % ^
You can use Google as a calculator, using standard symbols, for example
4+4 returns 8.
5-1 returns 4.
6*7 returns 42.
15/5 returns 3.

Sqrt,nth root ofx.
Sqrt(16) returns 4, if you need non-square roots you can use for example 3th root of 64.

17) Conversions operator google.

Google supports a lot of conversion tools, here is a small guide:
In degrees / in radians.
This is used in advance mathematics.
180 degrees in radians.
In hex / in binary / in octal / in decimal
You can convert to each of the given bases: 16 in hex,

18) Distance conversions.

You can use 50miles in km.
Speed, time, temperature
Just some samples:
50mph in kph.

19) Currency operator google.

2 $ in € or 2 dollars in euros

There are lot more thing to learn with google in other time.

20) Num range or Number range.

If you search for ["best books 2003..2006] will return lists of best books for each of the years from 2003 to 2006.

Types of numbers: Google algorithms can recognize patterns in numbers you enter, so you can search for:
Telephone area codes
Vehicle ID number (US only).